Art Glass

Art Glass

Quality anti-reflective performance can only be achieved through manipulation of light waves. The vertical, double-sided coating technology guarantees a more precise process. Artglass is coated with metal oxide layers as thin as 1/500th of the diameter of a human hair. The coatings are applied with absolute precision to assure that the glass is perfectly smooth, durable and easy to clean. It is currently the clearest glass on the market and also offers superior UV protection.

Choosing the right frame

Choosing the right frame

When choosing a frame it is important to identify which colour and finish will best bring out the artwork. If you have bold colours and a dynamic image, a black frame can carry the piece is a good way. However, if you have softer colours or a curated choice of colours, a black frame can serve as a distraction from the work itself. Opt for a colour or shade that can be found in the image and use it as a guideline when choosing the frame. A white frame is best when you want your piece to be as weightless as possible, with maximum focus on the subject.



There are a range of options to choose from when mounting a print or an art piece. The main options are Overlay Passepartout where the passepartout is mounted on top of the margin of the print. Another option is Inlay Passepartout.